Recent projects
Examples of recent projects and commissions include:
Personal performance
- Action Learning, design and delivery of Action Learning Programme for all Senior Leaders in the Public Sector across Wales, encompassing setting up and facilitating over twenty Action Learning sets for Chief Executives and their Directors.
- Training in consultancy skills for both internal and external consultants to enable them to be flexible and to meet their clients' needs, for BT and the Welsh Development Agency.
- Personal coaching and mentoring for people in the health service, in higher education and in small companies.
Team Performance
- Facilitation and coaching programme in nursing homes for the Royal British Legion. This enables the staff to work together in particular to improve the quality of patient care and safety.
- Team building for organisations such as National Health Service, BT and the Probation Service and a number of voluntary organisations.
- Training group facilitators from the voluntary and public sectors in various parts of Wales in facilitator skills and working with groups.
- Conflict resolution work facilitating the resolution of intra-team and inter-team conflicts and training people in conflict resolution skills.
Organisational Performance
- Leadership programme, led a three-day conference to design the Cabinet Office Public Sector Leadership Programme – a three-year intervention to develop self-managed learning and cross-sector working for leaders across all public sector organisations, a key component in the drive to modernise UK Government.
- Facilitated all-Wales workshops with public and patients to inform the performance management framework and pilot a process for engaging the public and patients in performance management.
- Organisational diagnosis and coaching the senior management team within a housing association to enable their leadership to become more strategic and to facilitate a culture change programme to change the organisation from a hierarchical to a service-oriented organisation, and improve quality of services.
- Research project to determine the health needs of women and children in a large estate. This led to services being reconfigured around stated needs of the community, such as benefits, housing advice, CAB, health, family planning, health visitors, voluntary sector child care support etc. as one-stop shop for the community.
- Consultancy project for Citizens Advice, researching and recommending how the admin function should be restructured.
- Co-design of the NHS Executive Project "Partners in Health" to work with six partner health authorities to bring inclusion and diversity into the mainstream and establish new organisational models for integrated planning and delivery of services.
Equality and Diversity
- Adviser to a variety of private-sector organisations to integrate equality into business practice, including the design delivery and evaluation of a variety of learning processes.
- Running Race Awareness programmes for the Probation Service.
- Design and delivery of the Diversity Audit for the Adult Learning Inspectorate: an audit of the ALI in terms of its equality policies and practice, which informed the ALI advice to HM Inspector of Constabulary on their diversity audit for Police Forces in England and Wales.
- Training people in voluntary sector organisations in recruitment and selection and equal opportunities policies.